Plot: A young woman's quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tormented her as a child leads her and a friend, who is also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.
When I fist saw this movie I didn't know what to expect. I mean I knew that it will be good, but i didn't know that it will be great! Another horror masterpiece added to my collection. Hollywood can hide... AGAIN. I bet that they will remake this movie, because that's what americans and hollywood do these days. Lack of ideas? no problem, take a great foreign horror movie and turn it into american shit. I didn't say that no great horror movie came from the minds of Hollywood, but this "remake a good movie" is a new trend there.
So let's get back to the movie. I have to warn you, this movie is disturbing. French language (get subtitles, I say it again: don't be lazy to read) and a shocking story, with good acting, good directing and some bone-chilling moments. What more can you ask for? I really don't know what else to say about this movie, because it is such a new experience, you need to see it and then decide if you like it or not. Trailer or a review is not enough to show you what this movie is all about. It's not like the rest of the horror movies that you watch and make you jump over and over again, but that's not the thing that makes a horror movie a horror movie; this movie will make you feel sorry + angry + terrified + disgusted. It left me wanting more... Pity I don't see a horror movie like this every day, or pity that they don't make horror movies like this every day (or at least 1/month).
So again, no trailer because trailers are spoilers when it comes to a great movie that also messed with your mind. Just watch it, then tell me if you liked it :)
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